Pick of The Week
Save Foods Inc.
Save Foods Inc. (NASDAQ: SVFD) is an agri-food tech company
focused on developing and selling eco-friendly products specifically designed to ensure food safety and extend the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables. The company is focused on addressing two of the most significant challenges faced by the industry: (1) food waste and loss, and (2) food safety.
Fungi like mold and yeast, as well as foodborne pathogens, are typically responsible for fresh produce spoilage and foodborne illness. Save Foods’ integrated solutions improve safety, freshness and quality every step of the way, from field to fork. The company’s natural products control human and plant pathogens, allowing growers, packers and food retailers to reduce waste and boost revenues. More food ends up on consumers’ plates, and less ends up in landfills.
Save Foods’ products use all-natural ingredients to protect fresh produce from microbial spoilage and pathogens with zero toxicity. The company’s treatments leave no harmful residues on produce or in the environment and maintain product freshness over time. Fresh produce treated with Save Foods’ products can already be found in supermarket chains across the U.S. Those chains have reported that the company’s products are reducing fruit spoilage by 50% on
average at the retail level. With no need for additional steps in the treatment process nor special equipment, Save Foods’ products are easy to implement and come in versatile applications suitable for the different stakeholders along the food supply chain.
Initial applications for the company’s offerings include post-harvest treatments in fruit and vegetable packing houses that process citrus, avocados, pears, bell peppers and mangos. By controlling and preventing pathogen contamination and significantly reducing the use of chemicals and their residues, Save Foods’ products not only prolong shelf life; they also ensure safe, natural and healthy food. Save Foods has the first green products that could realistically replace
the different chemicals used today in food treatment while controlling waste and food safety.
Investment Considerations
- The agricultural produce treatment space has been active in recent years, attracting more than $26 billion in new investment in 2020.
- In May 2021, Save Foods Inc. closed on a $12 million public offering and uplisted its shares to the Nasdaq.
- The company has seen rapid movement from successful pilots with packing houses and food retailers.
- Save Foods Inc. products present prospective competitors multiple barriers to entry, including a short time to market, zero toxic residues and addressing both spoilage and food safety.
- The company has an exclusive agreement with PlanetAgro for distribution of Save Foods’ products in Mexico.
Additional Resources
InvestorNewsBreaks - Save Foods Inc. (NASDAQ: SVFD) Announces Partnership with Israel's Second Largest Exporter of Fresh Produce
January 24, 2022 8:45 AM
Save Foods (NASDAQ: SVFD), an agri-food tech company specializing in eco crop protection designed to reduce food waste and ensure food safety, has completed several successful trials with Galilee Export, the second largest exporter of fruit and vegetables in Israel. As a result of the trials, effective immediately Galilee Export will be requiring all its bell pepper suppliers to use Save Foods' treatment; Galilee Export noted that it plans to start using the
treatments on avocados as well. According to the announcement, Galilee Export has been evaluating Save Foods’ treatment for several months and has seen a reduction in decay and food waste as well as an improvement regarding the firmness of peppers. The company is hoping to extend its market reach to countries with stricter pesticide regulations as well as evaluate using the treatment on other fruits and vegetables. “Our products address two of the major challenges of the food
industry — food waste and loss reduction,” said Safe Foods CEO Dan Sztybel in the press release. “Packing houses around the world are facing new challenges, such as keeping produce fresh throughout the often long transportation and distribution process, and maintaining quality and shelf life with significantly reduced pesticide levels. Many major packing houses are currently carrying out trials on our products. We are looking forward to working with Galilee Export and are
confident that we will be adding more major clients to our portfolio soon.”

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